combo attack dice

Combo Attack Dice Are Ready For A Fight

It's been a good year for new RPG dice releases. We've seen new dice from venerable manufacturers like Chessex (Ghostly Glow), and brand new product lines from indie developers like Gate Keeper Games (Halfsies dice). Now to top things off, we have a brand new RPG dice collection from MDG: Combo Attack dice.

Combo Attack Dice

Combo Attack dice derive their name from the "combo" of colors inherent in the series. Each set is a combination of two complimentary colors: black/yellow, blue/white, green/light green, orange/brown, and red/white. I'd also like to think that the second part of the name ("attack") has to do with the series willingness to fight all the other RPG dice out there for a place on the gaming table.

The Series Strength

combo attack dice orange brownAt Dark Elf Dice, we carry scads of gorgeous gaming dice, and Combo Attack dice definitely fit right in. The strength of the series derives from the pleasing, yet unusual color choices available for gamers.

Take for instance the Combo Attack orange/brown dice. As a whole, orange is underrepresented in the RPG dice scene compared to blue, black, or purple. MDG takes this little-used color and combines it with something really rare -- brown. The end result is something eye-catching and different from other gaming dice. The use of gold inking plays well against this color combo, and gives the dice a complete look that vies for your attention.

Can Handle Any Adventure

The other colors in the Combo Attack range have the same pluckiness, and can handle any role playing adventure. Exploring ancient ruins? No problem. Fighting a fierce family of Frost Giants? Got it covered. In the end, Combo Attack dice are ready for a fight and will handle whatever your imagination throws at them.

Until next time, fellow travelers! Check out the pics of the other Combo Attack dice, and always remember to keep on rolling :) 

combo attack dice blue

combo attack dice yellow

combo attack dice green

combo attack dice red


November 20, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
ghostly glow dice

Ghostly Glow Dice Are All The Rage

Ghostly Glow dice are the latest creation from Chessex, and they're already proving to be very popular here at Dark Elf Dice. Available in both Pink and Orange, these RPG dice are beautiful in their own right -- a milky translucent with ethereal wisps of color. These dice are intense, but it's their eerie, bluish glow that really makes them special.

Ghostly Glow Dice

When we first added the Ghostly Glow dice to our website, we didn't even realize that they glowed-in-the-dark. You'd figure that the name "Ghostly Glow" would have tipped us off, but we simply added the dice because we liked the way they looked and believed that our customers and fans would as well. Besides, Chessex makes really terrific gaming dice, so how could we go wrong?


Since adding Ghostly Glow dice to our store last month, we've already had to re-order twice. Without a doubt, the glow is what makes these dice popular with gamers and collectors. I've been gaming since the 1980's, but I've never seen anything quite like these. A lot of glow-in-the-dark dice give off a greenish light, but I really can't recall seeing blue before. And those ethereal wisps of color I mentioned earlier? They actually turn dark when the lights are out, and this gives the dice a truly supernatural feel.

More Information

To learn more about Ghostly Glow dice, please click here. The dice are currently available in traditional 7-piece polyhedral sets. Until next time fellow travelers! Remember that life is an adventure, so make each and every day special.

ghostly glow pink

ghostly glow orange

November 13, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
who knew dice

Who Knew? Dice Are Ready To Roll

Years ago, shortly after I first started playing table top role playing games, I visited our local hobby shop and started digging through the bin of colorful RPG dice they kept behind the counter. Now if you're like me (and I know you are), you have a certain fascination with game dice. So there I was, sorting through the d20s and d10s -- finding the most unusual ones and holding each up to the light like a fine jewel to admire the shape and color -- when I came across something very different indeed. A d30.

To say that I was excited is an understatement. This thirty-sided die was not only bigger than the other dice I had in my meager collection, but I could roll bigger numbers. I'm not sure what eventually became of that d30 (I searched my dice again before writing this blog post), but for a time it was the RPG die that I admired most because it was so different.

Who Knew? Dice

As gamers, we're all familiar with the standard dice needed for most RPGs. Even people who've never played Dungeons & Dragons, etc. can most likely recognize the strange, polyhedral dice we play with.

With that in mind, one manufacturer decided to stretch our imaginations just a bit. In the spirit of that unusual d30 I came across years ago, Koplow released a collection of strange RPG dice that are just so different.

The Collection

The aptly named Who Knew? collection consists of six dice in total: d3, d5, d7, d16, d24, and yes the d30. If anything, the dice are a definite conversation starter, but will find a practical use among creative Game Masters and players alike (for instance, I hand out the d4, d7, and d16 to players to use for damage dice for rare, legendary weapons).

Who Knew? dice are as different as they are utilitarian. The dice are molded in a standard, 16mm size so they "play well" with other RPG dice, and they come in only one color: jet black with stark white numbers. On one hand, the color choice may seem underwhelming (especially for gamers who enjoy bright, colorful dice), but on the other hand the color is definitely practical. The numbers are easy to read and basic black will coordinate with almost anything.

who knew dice 2

More Information

If you'd like to learn more about Who Knew? dice, or would like to make a purchase, please visit the Dark Elf Dice store page by clicking this link. Also, please feel free to share your thoughts and memories about any special dice you have in your collection. Gaming is a lifelong passion, so have fun out there. Until next time, fellow travelers! 


November 06, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
new dungeon masters

Four Tips For New Dungeon Masters Looking To Improve Their Game

Table top gaming is an amazing, lifelong hobby that inspires the imagination and allows you to be social. Nothing quite beats the feeling of sitting around the game table on a Saturday night with a group of friends, rolling dice and drinking Mountain Dew.

No matter your game -- Dungeons & Dragons or any other RPG, one particular player has been given an awesome responsibility. Yes, Dungeon Masters, I'm talking about you.

New Dungeon Masters

Being chosen as a Dungeon Master truly is an honor. The position entails being being part storyteller and part referee. Like the director of a blockbuster movie, the Dungeon Master sets the stage and helps suspend the players' disbelief by creating an imaginary story full of wonder and discovery. Each story has rules, however, and it's the DM's job to make sure that those rules aren't broken to the determent of all. New Dungeon Masters may find the job intimidating at times, but if you follow these easy gaming tips, you'll be a seasoned DM in no time.

Tip #1: Keep The Story Going

new dungeon masters 1Yes, you're the referee, but remember you're also the storyteller. Don't kill the mood by getting bogged down with unnecessary details, rules, etc. It's more important to keep the story flowing as opposed to pausing the action too often to thumb through the Dungeon Master's Guide or arcane rule books. Otherwise you run the risk of losing your players' interest, and believe me there's nothing worse than a table full of bored gamers!

If you're using a pre-printed adventure, make sure you know the module beforehand -- reading through it at least once so you have a general idea of how the story plays out. Also, make sure you're familiar with the game's basic rules and mechanics. In short, come to the game prepared. This will help you keep the action fast and flowing.

Tip #2: Expect The Unexpected

No matter how much you prepare ahead of time, things won't always play out according to script. It won't take a new Dungeon Master long to realize that players do the darndest things. As DM you need to be quick and able to improvise on the fly.

Remember that bugbear that leaped out of the shadows? You know, that one you had blocking the party's progress through the narrow tunnel beneath the castle? You were absolutely certain your players would draw weapons and attack, but instead they turned and ran, screaming like banshees. Now what do you do? Have a second bugbear leap out at the opposite end of the tunnel and box them in. You sneaky devil ;)

Tip #3: Evoke All The Senses

As a new Dungeon Master, you want to engage your players' senses. Be a master illusionist and evoke the sense of sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell. Descriptive language is a powerful trick, and will create a deep layer of immersion for your players. Consider the following example:

The shadowy room before you is roughly 20 feet by 20 feet -- it's walls made from rough, crumbling stone. The air is musty, and thick with the smell of dust and death. In the far corner an old man in tattered robes leans heavily against a smooth ebon staff. At his feet lay a shriveled corpse, blackened with age and decay. A simple bronze crown sits awkwardly on the dead thing's head.

"Why have you come?" The old man hisses. A suspicious look flashes in his watery eyes. "You want the crown, don't you?" He points a bony finger accusingly. "Well you can't have it. It's mine," he shrieks. "It's mine!"

Tip #4: Don't Let Players Hijack The Story

new dungeon masters 2Never lose sight of the fact that the whole point of table top RPG is for everyone to have a good time. That said, as storyteller and referee, you’re responsible for keeping the game under control. You want to create an environment for your players to role play their characters and have fun, so you may need to keep the silliness in check from time to time. As a new Dungeon Master, don’t allow players to stray too far from the role play and ruin the group’s immersion...

Most likely you’ll be gaming with a group of friends who ultimately look to you for leadership, so it really shouldn’t be a problem to rein players in if necessary. Laugh, be outrageous, and have fun. But keep the players interested in the story and focused on role playing.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, fellow travelers! Four tips for new Dungeon Masters looking to improve their game. I’ve been running RPG games for over thirty years, but I’m always trying to learn and improve my craft. I’d love to hear what you have to say! Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in the comment section below, and help your fellow gamers be the best Dungeon Masters ever. Until next time!

October 29, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Tips
new D&D monster manual

New D&D Monster Manual Available For Pre-Order

The good folks at Wizard's of the Coast are at it again. Building on the success of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, the Wizard's of the Coast team is releasing a brand new monster manual next month on November 15, 2016.

New D&D Monster Manual

The new monster manual is titled Volo's Guide To Monsters, and it's going to be somewhat different from the encyclopedic tomes we've been comfortable with for years. In a recent interview given to Polygon, lead designer Mike Mearls explains that the new monster manual will be "more story oriented."

The book will have two storytellers that will go into narrative detail about the monsters contained within the volume:

  • Chapter 1 will feature monster lore, and will provide a high level of information for Dungeon Masters and players alike (monster origins, dispositions and behaviors, and their lairs).
  • Chapter 2 will discuss character races, including goblins and orcs.
  • Chapter 3 is a bestiary and will provide stats, lore, and rules for almost one hundred monsters (including creatures new to D&D 5e).

In total, the new D&D monster manual will have 224 pages jam-packed with information and colorful illustrations. A tome of this size and depth will surely inspire the imaginations of gamers looking to explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

For more information, including pre-ordering details, please visit the Wizard's of the Coast website here.

Until next time fellow travelers! Remember to make each and every day an adventure.

volos guide to monsters

October 22, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG News
new gemini dice color

We Just Can't Stop Talking About The New Gemini Dice Color

The Gemini dice collection is one of our favorites here at Dark Elf Dice, and our loyal customers would seem to agree. Gemini has been a perennial favorite ever since we opened, and it's not surprising why. When it comes to Gemini, Chessex really "got it right." The collection features the finest RPG dice in twin, complimentary colors, and there really is something awesome for everyone.

New Gemini Dice Color

Like most manufacturers, Chessex introduces different colors from time to time, and we're always excited to see what's new for the gaming table. I have to say that the newest Gemini Teal and Steel dice pattern really brought a smile to our faces.

Cool And Classy

Chessex has never been afraid to experiment, and they're one of the few companies that uses teal to great effect. Whether they're combining teal with copper, purple -- and now steel -- the end result is brilliant. The new teal and steel dice really come across as cool and classy. The two colors really work well together, and are a great fit with the other dice in the Gemini collection.

Share Your Thoughts

So what do you feel about the new Gemini dice color? How does it compare with some of the other colors in the Gemini collection? Share your thoughts and opinions with your fellow gamers and let your voice be heard!

Until next time, fellow travelers. May all your rolls be natural 20s :)

October 15, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
dark elf dice

Welcome To The New Dark Elf Dice

Dark Elf Dice is proud to announce the release of our brand new website! The revised site actually launched last week on September 26, but we've been busy making tweaks and adjustments to the new layout since that time. Finally, we believe we're finished and things are looking just the way we want.

Dark Elf Dice New Design

Our company started selling RPG dice and gaming supplies back in 2005. Over the last eleven years our website has undergone many changes, but our recent revision is the biggest and the best yet.

Our new site was redesigned with our loyal customers and friends in mind. Our hope was to create a more modern, robust site that would better showcase the awesome products we sell and make it easier to shop. Here are just a few of the improvements we made to create a better user experience:

  • Gave the site a cleaner, more minimalist look and feel.
  • Used a responsive theme so the site looks great on any device, from small phones to high-end desktops.
  • Added SSL encryption on every single page -- not just the checkout.
  • Changed hosting providers to make the site faster than ever.
  • Added currency conversion functionality for our global guests.
  • Added a better blogging platform and social media integration.
  • Implemented auto-completion search to help our guests reach products more easily than before.
  • Added the ability to signup and be notified once out of stock items are available again.
  • Improved the checkout flow and made it easier for customers to track their orders.

Going Forward

All in all, we're very excited about the changes we made, but we're not finished yet! We're already working on adding even more amazing RPG dice and supplies to our substantial catalog to give our guests even more selection and choice. We'll be updating some older product photos as well, and plan on implementing even more exciting changes in the coming months.

Feedback Welcomed

We've already heard lots of positive things since we launched the new and improved Dark Elf Dice, but we welcome your feedback! If you have any ideas and suggestions for future improvements, please let us know. We really are committed to being the best RPG dice shop on the internet, and need your help :)

Until next time fellow travelers. Always remember that life is an amazing gift! Live each and every day to its fullest, and have yourself an adventure.

dark elf dice logos

October 08, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG News
Eades Beads: Jewelry That Tells A Story

Eades Beads: Jewelry That Tells A Story

Eades Beads is an online shop specializing in handcrafted RPG jewelry.

One of the amazing perks of working at Dark Elf Dice is the opportunity to meet new people across the globe. The RPG gaming community is a close one, with wonderful people sharing similar interests and passions including comics, movies, video games and more. The gaming culture is alive and well, and recently I had the opportunity to meet Rina Ward (aka Alina Eades) -- an RPG gamer who combines her love of gaming with art.

October 01, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG News
Halfsies Dice Are The RPG Dice We've Been Waiting For

Halfsies Dice Are The RPG Dice We've Been Waiting For

Halfsies dice are really something special.

Halfsies dice are the brainchild of John Wrot!, owner of Gate Keeper Games -- a small, indie company best known for The King's Armory. Halfsies dice started out as a Kickstarter project that eventually lead to the release of 13 unique polyhedral dice sets.
September 24, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
Thief Miniatures: 6 Awesome RPG Minis For Your Next Role Playing Game

Thief Miniatures: 6 Awesome RPG Minis For Your Next Role Playing Game

The thief is one of the most fun and challenging classes to play in Dungeons & Dragons and a host of other RPG games.

No matter what fantasy role playing game you play, the thief class is one of the stalwarts of the genre. Lots of players enjoy playing the thief. Whether roguishly charming or sneaky and stealthy, the thief relies on cunning and skill.

September 11, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Giant Dice Are On A Roll

Giant Dice Are On A Roll

A closer look at the different types of giant dice used for role playing games.

Is bigger always better? When it comes to role playing dice, it just might be. For gamers looking to pack a punch at their RPG sessions, there are more options than ever before for oversized, giant dice.

August 31, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice
Lustrous Dice Have Arrived

Lustrous Dice Have Arrived

It's been a long time coming, but Dark Elf Dice finally has the new Lustrous dice series in stock and ready to ship. While not as well known as other dice by Chessex (the Gemini

series for instance), Lustrous dice will hold their own against any RPG dice on the gaming table.

August 28, 2016 — Shane Scarbrough
Tags: RPG Dice